Later images

Images of the Jonah Narrative were few and far between in later religious art, probably because its symbolic significance had disappeared. Or had it?

Above left: the Verdun altarpiece, c1180, Klosterneuburg Abbey in Lower Austria.
Above right: Giotto, Scrovegni chapel, Padua, c1304.

Above left: Islamic image from Folio from a Jami al-Tavarikh (Compendium of Chronicles) c1400. 
Above right: page from the Kennicott Bible, c1476

Above left: Michelangelo, from the Sistine chapel Last Judgement, c1540.

Above right: Pieter Lastman. 1621.  Kunstpalast, Dusseldorf.

Above left: Maerten van Heemskerk, c1550. Above right: Gustave Doré : Jonah preaching in Nineveh. Wood engraving 1866. The only image I have found showing this part of the story.

So, had the symbolism linking Jonah with water and resurrection completely vanished? Perhaps not.  On to page 7    
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